Chit Chattin’ with Charles- June 2018

Hi furiends! Are you all as excited for summer as I am? I LOVE “swimming” at the beach and playing in the waves (I will be honest, I get a bit freaked out when my paws can’t touch the ground). What are your summer plans? I think that sometimes moms and dads get a little worried about summer with all the free time. I think they worry us kids will be bored or get into mischief without school to keep us busy. Silly pawrents. Although, I will admit, it is helpful when mom has a schedule for me and keeps me busy, I suppose I get into less trouble that way.

I wanted to tell you about the EP Foster Library in downtown Ventura. It’s one of the places where I did supervised visits when I was an intern. They have a Paws for Reading program and I still volunteer occasionally because it is so much fun! Kiddos get to read books to us pups to practice their reading! We don’t judge them or correct them if they get a word wrong, we just love cuddling and listening to them. I am always so impressed that they can read books (no one ever taught me) and I love hearing stories (especially the ones about pups – those are the best). I get lots of hugs and pets and belly rubs – sometimes I think I’m the one getting all the benefit out of this therapy dog thing – seriously, this is the LIFE! Kids also get to pick out a dog book to take home with them! How cool is that?! If you haven’t heard of it, you should go! And, it’s FREE! Saturdays at noon. Seriously, you should go. This would be a fun summer activity to keep your kiddos busy and help them practice reading! Walk-in’s are welcome if there is space left, or you can call to reserve a spot. Check it out:

If you’re ever in the area, come stop by the office and say hello to me sometime! I just love meeting new furiends and I can give you a tour of our beautiful office. We have some new coloring pages in the lobby of… ME! Because who doesn’t want to color a picture of me?!  I also have some business cards by the front door if you want one!

Happy summer furiends!

Love, Charles

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