Chit Chattin with Charles- January 2020

Hi Furiends!

Twice a year K&FT offers our Hold Me Tight Couples Workshop. The next workshop starts in February and still has room, so I wanted to share more about this group! Sometimes I get to join, and I feel honored witnessing the courage these couples show. Something truly magical happens in that room.

The workshop is based on the book by Dr. Sue Johnson and the idea that “long-term love between romantic partners is not only possible, but is our birthright, and we are all better and stronger human beings when we can find a safe haven and secure base in a loved one’s arms.” The goal is to help couples repair, enhance, and continually grow their love relationship.

Research has shown that when partners are securely attached, they find it easier to be good parents. They can model healthy relationships for their children, and tend to have children who are also securely attached. Securely attached children are happier, more resilient to stress, and more likely to form healthy relationships in the future. As a foster/adoptive/kinship/birth parent, what greater gift could you give your child?

In the group, you’ll learn more about attachment and the negative cycles we often get caught in with our loved ones and better understand your own, and your partner’s emotions and attachment needs and fears. You’ll learn to ask for what you need and how to be more emotionally accessible, responsive, and engaged with each other in order to increase safety, trust, and intimacy.

I’ve watched disconnected couples slowly learn to open up and take risks with each other again. When they have the courage to take risks, I see some powerful bonding and healing. It’s incredibly heartwarming. But don’t just take my word for it, hear what other couples have to say about it!

To register for the group, call my mom, Rachel Pletcher, at ext. 106. Happy New Year!

Love, Charles


Feedback from couples who have participated in the workshop:

“I loved sharing and hearing others tell their stories. I learned more about my husband and now have a different perspective on our relationship. There really is hope for all marriages, it’s just a matter of whether or not we apply what we learn. This group was AWESOME!”

“I loved holding my wife’s hand, being with her, and finding out that I DO have feelings. It was helpful to learn more about my partner and what she needs from me.”

“It was so helpful taking the time to focus on our relationship in this way. It was nice to see other couples experiencing similar issues as us. This group felt very safe.”

“I loved the group interaction, learning new tools, and the safe space to share issues. The facilitators were great! Super helpful and engaging with us. I loved the conversations, advice given, and environment. I think this class would be helpful for every relationship!”

“It was comforting to see other couples that we could relate to, and how they strengthened their relationship. I was really nervous and didn’t want to come; I didn’t think it would help. I’m so glad that I came anyway, we got so much out of this. We had been considering divorce, but now we want to keep working on us. This didn’t fix everything, but it got us started and gave us hope!”

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