Chit Chattin’ with Charles- Winter 2019

Hi furiends,

The Howlidays are a stressful time for many people. We’ve also experienced significant stress in our community lately. On top of all this, you pawrents have the challenging (and rewarding!) job of taking care of your kiddos. When we’re stressed out, we tend to bark or growl when we don’t mean to and may unintentionally hurt the ones we love. In these moments, don’t forget to Stop, Drop, & Roll (see next page)! With the New Year approaching, I want to suggest some New Year’s Resolutions to add to your list:

  1. Re-commit to being a therapeutic parent
  2. Do more self-care (I suggest belly rubs, tug-of-war, naps, and cuddles)
  3. Spend more quality time with your loved ones
  4. Ask for help when you need it!

I also want to share some positive affirmations that might be nice to hear. Repeat after me!

I can forgive myself for making mistakes in stressful situations with my child. I did the best I could with the information and skills I had at the time. I can take responsibility and repair our relationship. I know I will do better next time.

I refuse to buy into the fears I’ve had in the past of being an ineffective parent. I am good enough.

I can handle my child’s negative behaviors, knowing that these behaviors come from fear and hurt. I refuse to believe that my child’s negativity is an indication of my ineffectiveness; I can choose not to take it personally.

As you move through the Howliday season and New Year, take care of yourself and your loved ones, be kind and careful with each other’s feelings, and don’t ever forget how loved and special you are. Your job as a pawrent is important! You are shaping our future generation into loving humans who will make the world a better place for all of us.

Happy Howlidays! WOOF!

Love, Charles


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