How to Take the 2020 Census

A background of the US Census- The 2020 Census is a count of every person who is living in the United States, and takes place once every 20 years. The census responses given by everyone guide how federal funding is spent in communities each year! Information is confidential and your answers cannot be used against you by any government agency or court.

The census can be completed 24/7 by filling the census out online, by phone, or by mail. If the census is not filled out via one of the ways listed, a census bureau interviewer will come to your home to take the survey.

Steps of taking the census (The whole process takes about 10 minutes):

  • Once Census material is mailed to you, go online to and login with the Census ID that is provided in Census mailing material
    • To select a different language, click the globe icon in the top right of screen or at the bottom of the page
  • Fill out all questions. Questions must be filled out in one session, and if you leave you will have to start over.
    • Please remember to include all kids living at your address on the Census, even if they are living with you temporarily, or are staying with you most days of the week. That can mean your children, nieces and nephews, your grandchildren- even your friend’s kids!
  • Submit your answers

Here’s a short video explaining the 2020 Census, & a video explaining how to complete the 2020 Census.


U.S. Census Bureau,

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