Volunteer for Holiday Gift~Away

Volunteer for Holiday Gift~Away

Thank you for you interest in volunteering for Kids & Families Together! For more information about description of volunteer opportunities and our yearly events, click here. Upon filling out this form, our Community Resource Manager will be in contact with you to discuss our volunteer opportunities and volunteer application process.


¡Gracias por su interés en ser voluntario para Kids & Families Together! Para obtener más información sobre la descripción de las oportunidades de voluntariado y nuestros eventos anuales, haga clic aquí. Al completar este formulario, nuestro Gerente de Recursos Comunitarios se pondrá en contacto con usted para analizar nuestras oportunidades de voluntariado y el proceso de solicitud de voluntariado.

Volunteer Form

You may choose more than one area of interest.

Exciting news – We’ve Merged! On July 1, 2024, K&FT merged with PathPoint. We are stronger together! For more information, please read thepress release here.