Book of the Month: Parenting the Hurt Child – Helping Adoptive Families Heal and Grow

Parenting the Hurt Child: Helping Adoptive Families Heal and Grow By: Gregory Keck, PhD and Regina Kupecky, LSW Sadly, the world is full of children who have been hurt by someone they should have been able to trust. … Read More

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring is officially here and you know what that means; the cold and gloomy winter weather gives way to the season of renewal and regrowth. Spring is a lovely season, but, with the change into warmer weather and… Read More

Having Faith April 2016

Dear Faith, We have two adopted children ages 9 and 11. We are fully invested in being therapeutic parents and we totally see the value in working with specialized professionals who are trained to work with adoptive, foster… Read More

Exciting news – We’ve Merged! On July 1, 2024, K&FT merged with PathPoint. We are stronger together! For more information, please read thepress release here.