Fundraiser at Finney’s

In celebration of Adoption Awareness month, please consider supporting Kids & Families Together by dining at Finney’s Crafthouse & Kitchen! This fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, November 12th from 11am-11pm at Finney’s Crafthouse & Kitchen, located at 494 E. Main St., Ventura CA. 20% of all proceeds will benefit Kids & Families Together! Please mention Kids & Families Together or present this flyer. There will also be a Meet & Greet at 6pm with Kids & Families Together’s own therapy dog, Sir Charles! We look forward to seeing you there!


Check our our Events page on Facebook to RSVP and learn more!

History of Adoption Awareness Month

the very first origins of Adoption Awareness month came from Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis in 1976, when he declared that the state of Massachusetts would celebrate adoption awareness for a week. President Reagan later declared National Adoption Week in 1984. As time went on, more and more states began recognizing Adoption Awareness week, until 1995 when President Clinton made the whole month of November the official National Adoption Awareness Month! Kids & Families Together has been serving Adoptive, as well as Foster/Resource, & Kinship Families since January 1, 2000, and continues to celebrate and serve our Adoptive Family population by providing support and services.

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Exciting news – We’ve Merged! On July 1, 2024, K&FT merged with PathPoint. We are stronger together! For more information, please read thepress release here.