Holiday Gift~Away Event

Holiday Gift~Away Event

We had a wonderful 10th Annual Holiday Gift Away event this past Saturday, December 7th for our foster/resource, kinship, adopted children and the families we serve.
Thank you to our donors, partners, volunteers and Santa with Mrs. Claus who helped make the event a success and fun for the families! 


For those on the waitlist:
If you were on the waitlist and were not able to attend, we will be calling you to set up a time to come to our office and pick out from our leftover selection. You will also receive a ticket for our drawing of bikes and other items. For more information please contact Jeni Futvoye (805) 643-1446 x 108. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Para aquellos en la lista de espera:
Si estaba en la lista de espera y no pudo asistir, lo llamaremos para programar una hora para venir a nuestra oficina y elegir entre nuestra selección de sobras. También recibirá un boleto para nuestro sorteo de bicicletas y otros artículos. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Jeni Futvoye (805) 643-1446 x 108. ¡Gracias y feliz eventos festivos!
Exciting news – We’ve Merged! On July 1, 2024, K&FT merged with PathPoint. We are stronger together! For more information, please read thepress release here.